I got this for my visiting doe and her two fawns… I love looking at them out my window in awe. It held up perfectly in the mail, has withstood rain after rain for over 3 MONTHS and the deer have stuck around and love it!! I should add as a caution to some though, this will attract many forms of wildlife and not just deer… the coyotes love this too!
Wildlife love this!
Kevinator It works We put this on our rural wooded property only about a month ago. We put a game camera on it, it already has drawn deer and turkey. Also a cougar, but not sure if it was the salt for that one. We put it out to support the local wildlife as our interest is making it a good habitat for wildlife and they need salt.
It works
I have deer that now frequent my suburban yard and love to lick on this rock. I have also noticed birds pecking at it and squirrels too. This is my second Trophy Rock and is now a staple in my wildlife sanctuary. My first one lasted almost a year.
Wildlife Love it!
Raymond J.
This rock gives us a steady parade of wildlife in our backyard. All the critters use it, even some birds. We sit in our sunroom, and watch deer, raccoons, skunks, possum, wild turkey, a weasel, squirrels, chipmunks, doves, robins, cardinals, and rabbits… we enjoy live entertainment every day.
F. Haun
I’m in the suburbs and we had deer start using a trail between our neighbor and us. We thought, “lets see if we can get them into the yard!”
We raked a trail and sprinkled ice cream salt from the deer path over to this salt lick. I put it at the base of a little mimosa tree near the swings and sure enough, within about a week, they found the salt lick and they are enjoying it with their little ones. This is the best money I’ve spent in a long time. We love seeing them! And it keeps them out of the roses, occupied with other things…
Deer came for the mimosa at Sunday Brunch
Carolina Mom